Free Money Newsletter April 2015

Time flies! The tax deadline approaching - remember to check Free Tax Help if you need assistance. April brings on fun stuff too: spring for one and for fans, the release of Fast & Furious 7 on April 3. The 7th of the F&F series has gotten extra coverage lately because of star Ronda Rousey.

Rousey is the UFC Champion in the Bantamweight category. She has captured headlines on her own and with fellow Fast & Furious star Dwayne (aka 'The Rock') Johnson. They just appeared at Wrestlemania 30 at Levi’s Stadium and the reaction was tremendous (she called the moment “electric” in a tweet).

Not surprising since Rousey is both an amazing mixed martial artist and a stunningly beautiful swimsuit model. If you’ve seen her recent Sports Illustrated (and other) photos, you know what we’re talking about…

Many would love to look as good as Rousey does — with health and strength in addition to appearance. But their hands are full trying to keep themselves and their families healthy. We’ve found some tips and tricks you can use to find the medical and dental care you need, regardless of your income:

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Healthcare Highlights News

Health care options in the U.S. changed pretty significantly when the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) became law. You may have discovered one of those changes if you’ve started your taxes and found you owe money because you did not purchase a coverage plan. That’s no longer an inexpensive option. Yet it’s also harder to find information about where to get medical care that you need but cannot afford — whether you have purchased coverage or not.

If you’ve checked the healthcare website you may have been surprised (and disappointed) that it has changed a lot too. It used to tell you about lots of different options for getting medical care, especially if you don’t have a lot of income. It is now mainly about getting you to find and buy an insurance plan. The landing page practically shouts “buy health coverage now” when you look at it. And it’s not very clear where you can click just to get information about any nearby, free or low cost medical care (whether it’s urgent or not).

But stay tuned — there are some good points about the revised site. Better yet, we have discovered ways that you can still find that information about local, affordable medical care for you and your family. We cover it all in our completely rewritten guide to — check it out now. You can even use it to learn about and sign up for a health care plan for your small business! Still a Winner!

We think the disability website is one of the best government sites around, and it’s recently gotten better. You don’t have to do a lot of detective work to find the kind of information you need if you or a loved one is “differently abled” in some way.

Across the top of the landing page there are ten different categories of help. At least one of them is probably right for you. There is now also a large blue box you can’t miss on the left of the page that says “Guide Me to Information.” If you click that you’ll go to a page that says “I want information for…” and then you can click any of a number of choices. You’ll get to pick information for specific topics or people such as caregivers, seniors, children, infants, veterans, jobseekers, people with disabilities in general, and more. You can also click “I’m Not Sure” if none of those categories is right for you.

There’s lots more here, it’s updated daily, and apparently it is also being improved based on user feedback. Nice job, take a look at our review of to discover more about finding the right help in the right place!

Free Dental Care

Poor dental health is a serious and growing problem in the United States. Few people have dental insurance coverage and lots of folks just avoid going to the dentist, period. The consequences can be serious and affect more than just your mouth.

Though they can be hard to find there are some free and low-cost dental care options out there. We review them (for all ages) and show you how to find them in our newest article on Free Dental Care. Do yourself a favor and take care of yourself and your family before problems get more serious…

Help for Kids with Special Needs

If you have or work with kids with special needs we know that can be challenging — and it can affect your own health. If the needs involve Autism or ADHD there are some resources out there for you. You can find some useful (and free) information on this website about grants for kids.

Enjoy April! Get those taxes out of the way and enjoy the spring (or the promise that it’s coming soon even if you’re still looking at snow!).

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newsletters/april_2015_newsletter.txt · Last modified: 2015/04/01 00:55 by admin